As Passover is representative of new beginnings, it can also
be time for many of us to be passed the proverbial baton. What do I mean? I mean that for many in my generation, the
time has finally come this Pesah
to take on the seder hosting
responsibilities from our parents or grandparents. We are approaching or have arrived at middle
age, we are established enough, our children are growing up and becoming
self-sufficient, we have the homes or spaces to accommodate, and we have the
energy our parents once had to put on the “production” that is a Passover seder.
It’s simply time to take over.
It’s time to invite our parents and grandparents as guests— for us to
honor their fulfillment of V’higaddita
L'vincha, the mitzvah of re-telling the Passover story. It is now our turn l’hagid –to tell.
And now, the complicated part. We are not our parents. We live in different times, with different
familial realities and challenges, personal struggles, and are embracing our
own evolved and individualized journeys through Judaism and Jewish life. Today many more of us may be divorced, blended,
intermarried, same-sex partnered, post denominational, and the list goes on. And, as with nearly every other aspect of our
21st century lives, we hold a desire to have a seder that reflects our earned individuality and meets our diverse needs
for meaningful connection.
So how do we meld the two?
How do we tell a story that speaks to our children, one that frames
their perceptions of struggles and successes, yet is still worthy of our
parents’ approval? Because let's face
it, no matter how old we get, we still desire parental approval.
In “The Art of Jewish Living,” by Dr. Ron Wolfson, he describes
perfectly that the Passover Seder is like a play in four acts, with each act
following the same structure: (1) a question, (2) a response, and (3) praise to God. The wisdom of the Hagaddah is that it
is really four unique modalities of telling the story. If there was ever a Jewish ritual or festival
designed to meet a variety of needs, it would be Passover and the Pesah Seder.
It is built brilliantly into both the structure itself and
the story, to be malleable, customized. It
is a story of freedom and nation-building.
And while we are commanded to perform the mitzvah of telling the Exodus experience;
we are not regimented in how we tell the story.
It’s Truth with a capital “T” in the philosophical sense, provides
us the freedom, if you will, to both invent and preserve the telling over the
course of its four separate acts.
Certainly this vastly improves our odds of getting it right for both our
parents and grandparents and ourselves!
And so, this Pesah,
I challenge each of us to find those points of meaningful connection and to discover
for ourselves the beauty and possibility that the mitzvah of Passover is not
just V’higaddita l’vincha, it’s not
just to tell it to your children, but also V’higaddita l’horecha, it’s
to tell it to your parents.